
Cylone Hudhud - APT Images

Oct 16, 2014

An APT image of Cyclone Hudhud I received on October 11 in Bangalore…

Tags: radio, satellite, rtlsdr, sdr, weather

The Quadrifilar Helix and APT Yet Again!

Jul 6, 2014

Manjunath and I have been meaning to do something these hols - you know, just something to feel a sense of satisfaction before diving into regular coursework and stuff next semester. So, we finally decided to attempt a quadrifilar helix for APT reception, and here we are!

Tags: radio, satellite, rtlsdr, sdr, weather, antenna, project

APT Again!

Jul 31, 2013

It is quite possible for someone to ask why, in the age of the Internet and the Television, and realtime weather reports, we need APT images. But, you will never know the joy of building your own equipment, and receiving your very own satellite images, until you have actually done it!

Tags: radio, satellite, rtlsdr, sdr, weather

Over the Arabian Sea

Feb 26, 2013

…here at last, we have these spectacular images - images that rained down from the sky! It's true that they are still imperfect, and rather noisy (a situation that I intend to fix soon). But, anyway, here they be recorded, before the miracle of the moment passes away…

Tags: radio, satellite, weather, electronics, project