Convolution and Polynomial Multiplication
Mar 26, 2012
"Convolution in the time domain is multiplication in the frequency domain" is an oft-quoted statement. But the exact relation between the two is seldom stressed adequately. Mathematically, convolution and polynomial multiplication are one and the same process, as I shall explain shortly.
Quantitative Aptitude for the Electrical Engineer
Mar 26, 2012
This is based on my dissatisfaction with the messed up way time and work problems are handled in quantitative aptitude examination guides. They take a simple idea, threaten you with time constraints and leave you feeling broken and guilty because you couldn't solve them quickly enough.
Tags: math
Throughput of Aloha Networks
Mar 26, 2012
A derivation of the mathematical expression for the throughput of an aloha network using the exponential and Poisson random distributions
Tags: math