Signal Operations Applet

Signal Operations Applet

Published by Arun Isaac on

Tags: signals, software

This is actually a set of two "applets" we did as part of an assignment for "Signals and Systems" in the fourth semester of college. The goal was to write an application which illustrated basic signal operations such as shifting, scaling, folding and also signal addition and multiplication.

Screenshot showing a plot of x[n] = log(n) on the top and x[-n/4-3] on the bottom. Controls to change x[n] and the scaling and shifting parameters are on the right.

Figure 1: Screenshot of the Applet

This is actually a set of two "applets" we did as part of an assignment for "Signals and Systems" in the fourth semester of college. The goal was to write an application which illustrated basic signal operations such as shifting, scaling, folding and also signal addition and multiplication. Though the idea started out as a single application, it eventually split up into two applications - one to do shifting, scaling and folding and another to do addition and multiplication.

Our language of choice was Processing - two main reasons being that processing was a language good for drawing and the other reason being it had simple C++ kind of syntax and we were too lazy to learn java. Usually, we wouldn't have bothered with porting our source code to operating systems other than linux. But Processing being a front end to Java afforded cross compatibility. And that's why you see the Mac and Windows versions here. But since we don't actually have a Mac machine, we have never really tested out the Mac version and can't be sure how well it really works.

Also, this program is distributed under the GPL and so you are free to redistribute/reuse this program or its parts in any way you want. Regarding reusability of code, of interest might be the Processing class PlotAxes which we wrote to plot graphs.