GCD in 8085 Assembly

GCD in 8085 Assembly

Published by Arun Isaac on

Tags: 8085, assembly

An 8085 microprocessor implementation of Euclid's algorithm, an efficient method for computing the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two integers.

This is an implementation of Euclid's algorithm, an efficient method for computing the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two integers.

main:   MOV A, 0F       ;load x
        MVI C, 03h      ;load y

loop:   SUB C           ;subtract lesser number from greater number
        JNC loop
        ADD C           ;difference is negative, undo subtraction

        JZ end          ;if difference is zero, end

swap:   MOV B, A        ;else, swap
        MOV A, C
        MOV C, B

        JMP loop        ;continue subtraction

end:    MOV A, C        ;store result
        STA 4300h